I'm letting you
go now....
of everything
The anger
The guilt
The questions
that will...
remain unanswer
I'm letting go
of the memories
we shared
and the future....
that was promised
that will never
be experienced
I'm letting go
of you....
I have no reason
to hold on to you....
to try would be in vain
for it....
Would only be me
that was hurt in the end
I'll say
goodbye to you....
with a smile,
a smile so you will
never see....
that shattered
remains of
my broken heart
There's always
one last thought
of you before
I go to sleep....
And, it is that
I still adore you....
I love you more than
a friend can show
As time,
passes me by....
you will fade
and all that
will remain is nothing
My heart will be
sewn back
together by the
thread of time....
Waiting for the
next guy to come....
and tear it apart
It will be like
you never
that I never knew you
All because....
I'm letting you
go now....
Thank you