
Little House - Book 6

~~ The Long Winter ~~

by Laura Ingalls Wilder, illustrated by Garth William

The adventures of Laura Ingalls and family continue as Pa, Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie, and little Grace bravely face the hard winter of 1880-81 in their little house in the Dakota Territory.  Blizzardss cover the little town with snow, cutting off all supplies from the outside.  Soon there is almost no food left, so young Almanzo and a friend make a dangerous trip across the prairie  to find some wheat.  Finally a joyous Christmas is celebrated in a very unusual way in this most exciting of all the Little House books.
Thanks so much for reading......
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Little House - Book 5

~~ By the Shores of Silver Lake ~~

by Laura Ingalls Wilder, illustrated by Garth William

The adventures of Laura Ingalls and her family continue as they move from their little house on the banks of Plum Creek to the wilderness of the unsettled Dakota Territory. Here Pa works on the new railroaduntil he finds a homestead claim the is perfect for their new little house.  Laura takes her first train ride as she, her sisters, and their mother come out to live with Pa on the shores of Silver Lake.  After a lonely winter in the surveyors' house, Pa puts up the first building in what will soon be a brand-new town on the beautiful shores of Silver Lake.  The Ingallses' covered-wagon travels are finally over.
Thanks so much for reading....
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