
Little House - Book 4

~~ On the Banks of Plum Creek ~~

by Laura Ingalls Wilder, illustrated by Garth William

The adventures of Laura Ingalls and her family continue as they leave their little house on the prairie and travel in their covered wagon to Minnesota.  Here they settle in a little house made of sod beside the banks of beautiful Plum Creek.  Soon Pa builds a wonderful new little house with real glass windows and a hinged door.  Laura and her sister Mary go to school, help with the chores, fish int the creek.  At night everyone listens to the merry music of Pa's fiddle.  Misfortunes come in the form of a grasshopper plague and a terrible blizzard, but the pioneer family works hard together to overcome these troubles.
And so continues Laura Ingalls Wilder's beloved story of a pioneer girl and her family.  the nine Little House books have been cherished by generations of readers as both a unique glimpse into America's frontier past and a heartwarming, unforgetable story.
Thanks so much for reading..... 
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Little House - Book 3

~~ Little House on the Prairie ~~

by Laura Ingalls Wilder, illustrated by Garth William

The adventures continue for Laura Ingalls and her family as they leave their little house in the Big Woods of Wisconsin and set out for Kansas.  They travel for many days in their covered wagon until they find the best spot to build their little house on the prairie.  Soon they are planting and ploughing, hunting wild ducks and turkeys, and gathering grass for their cows.  Sometimes pioneer life is hard, but Laura and her folks are always busy and happy in their little house.
Thanks so much for reading.....
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